Wednesday, January 01, 2025

 Wednesday, January 01, 2025

It is almost eleven PM on Wednesday, January 01, 2025. I have not written in my blogs since September. I had to take a break from my blogs and my daily videos. I will not do a daily video today or I do not believe that I will do one today. Maybe, I will change my mind and do one.

I have been depressed. I am depressed. I do not know what to do without Tiger. I miss him so much.

I plan to go to the CWC library tomorrow morning for their mystery movie program to watch a movie and have some popcorn.

I do not know what I am doing on Saturday because I may end up going somewhere and missing the Queer Game Night.

I plan to continue attending programs at the center, the CWC library, and the Autism program at the Richland County library.

I hope to begin writing and reading again. I plan to play video games more and do some coloring at home. I do not know what this new year will bring to me.

I won a Switch OLED and it is arriving soon. I have won a few other things including a stack of books. Visit my TIktok to see what I received for Christmas. (jason29171)

I hope to begin posting on my blogs daily including posting new writing.

I hope to get back into photography and video.

I want to find a boyfriend, a first boyfriend, a LTR this year.

I've been entering to win the HGTV houses over the years and I hope to win one someday.

last year was difficult for me and I am not over Tiger's death. I do not know if I will ever be over it.

Does anyone read this? Does anyone see me?


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