Tuesday, January 28, 2025

 Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Tuesday. It's 4:20. I feel tired but I want to get something done.

The USPS has not delivered a few items recently including a gift card that I won and a coupon for free pancake mix. 

I'm interested in starting my life but with the way things are going in my country I'll be lucky if anything good happens for me.

I want my first boyfriend who I hope will one day propose to me and we'll have a wedding somewhere beautiful.

I need my first home because I fear I'll end up homeless otherwise.

I spend most of my time alone I doubt if anyone will ever read this.

I'm depressed and tired of my life.

Is there anyone out there who could help me?

I have lunch plans for tomorrow. Thursday I have plans in the morning. Friday I'm going to a D&D program at the library in my neighborhood. Saturday I'm going to Queer Game Night.

I want to work on my writing but I can't concentrate.

My MacBook hasn't been working. I don't know what to do about it.

Follow my social media: Jason29171


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