Saturday, April 13, 2024

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Religion is no longer what it was at one time in my life. I am no longer trapped in the lies of the Cult of Denominations.

What part of the strawberry is the straw?

Long walk

Sunny Day

finding my way

home again.

I dream many dreams,

nothing is as it seems,

vivid dreams I dream

after a long walk

on a sunny day.

I went to the museum this morning. I went by a place that gives out free lunch on the second Saturday of the month.

I had to nap after eating because I had not been getting as much sleep the past few days.

I had vivid dreams.

I plan to go somewhere tomorrow. I was going there today but I was too tired to go today.⁠⁠


Poems and Photography:


Words, Floating: Poetry And Photography:



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⁠⁠Another Day, Another Podcast⁠⁠





video editing:


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