Friday, January 17, 2025 It appears that TikTok will be banned in the next few days. This shows how the government of the US is not a democracy. Why are politicians afraid of the people having a platform to share our thoughts? People keep saying how great Biden was but if he was so great he would not have signed into law a ban on the voices of the people of this country. F$%K Biden. I was on a dating app and I matched with someone. We started a conversation and I thought things were going well and then they blocked me. Is it possible for me to meet a real person who I'm attracted to who's attracted to me? I've had a few dreams that included the band Twenty one pilots. I love the band. I need someone to share my day to day life with, someone to cuddle with, and someone to have sex with... I have to be attracted to this person. If I'm not attracted to them we could still be friends but nothing beyond friends. I feel weird about my body. I feel very unattractive. I wonder...